Hello, my name is Julie Lang.
I am a researcher, educator and curator based in Lausanne, Switzerland (say hi).

I am currently PhD candidate and teaching assistant at the Art History Department at the University of Lausanne (UNIL). As part of this position, I teach methodological seminars in art history and advise Le Cabanon, a student exhibition platform.

My doctoral research focuses on exhibition practices and alternative pedagogies emerging from critical and cultural studies at the turn of the 1990s. In these transformations, questions of gaze, representation and, a fortiori, identity and visibility, become central. My publications and communications can be found here or here.

I am currently co-editor-in-chief of the interdisciplinary periodical ‘a contrario’ – where I directed an issue in 2023 entitled «Résister en Démocratie. Éthique et politique de la formation des voix» (BSN Press), available on Cairn.

I studied at the crossroads of contemporary art history, with a specialization in the 19th-21st centuries, and the sociology of culture and the media, focusing on the formation of cultural imaginations through images. My Master’s degree was accompanied by a specialization in «Sciences historiques de la culture», with an emphasis on the development of visual and material culture.

I taught art history and exhibition history in different schools, as visiting professor at the Ecole de design et haute école d’art (EDHEA, Sierre), as guest lecturer at the University of Lausanne and as scientific assistant at the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL).

Beside my academic activities, I am involved in different cultural projects, in different ways. Sometimes as a writer, sometimes as a curator, sometimes as an advisor. At this moment, I am a member of the City of Lausanne’s visual arts commission and involved in a feminist collective la love machine.

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